Thursday, April 23, 2009


when you are a nurse you think about things that maybe other people don't think about as much. like sterile needles, which are tools to put treasures in your veins when you are sick. one of my favorite parts of nursing is trying to explain things to patients in a really simple way so everyone understands and isn't confused since i'm not a great explainer. so yesterday i had an 11 year old with a painful cyst on his eye who needed to know what a cyst was STAT. when you have asperger's it is a very different life i think so sometimes you need to know things right away. i explained that a cyst is like a pimple but deeper in your eyelid. technically, this is not very true but i felt like the essence was the same. unfortunately, my patient started to cry because he did NOT NEED TO KNOW that he had a pimple since pimples were deeply upsetting at that moment for him. oops. then i had a three year old who came in with her siblings and asked why all the babies were crying. unthinkingly i replied, probably because they are getting a shot. at this point her mother looked at me and said, "i'm not sure you should be going into pediatrics."

i'll keep that in mind.

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