Thursday, April 30, 2009

typo/am i a genius?

what if there was a site called and it told you where the most comfortable place to take a nap was based on your location.

case 1: bench in quiet park, distance 0.3 miles

case 2: library basement with comfortable armchairs, distance 2.4 miles

case 3: bean bag store with poor management in morning, distance 10 miles

case 4: friendly elderly couple who adore visitors (comfy guest bedroom), distance 4.7 miles

drink up

what is this magic?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

i want the world to know

since really the only one i know of who reads this blog is my cousin: alissa - this one is for you. go buy this album. it is my soul right now and since i got it. i love love love it. i've been listening to it straight for possibly one year mixed only in with harry potter books on tape. i can't get enough of those either. but that's another post. all the songs on it are exceptionally wonderful but this one is my favorite. its a cat singing to its owner.

the last part is this:

And I'll cater
with all the birds that I can kill.
Let their tiny feathers fill

Lie down;
lick the sorrow from your skin.
Scratch the terror and begin
to believe you're strong.

All you ever want to do is drink and watch TV,
and frankly that thing doesn't really interest me.

I swear I'm going to bite you hard and taste your tinny blood
if you don't stop the self-defeating lies you've been repeating
since the day you brought me home.

I know you're strong.

amen amen amen

great green earth part 1

upon riding my bike home from campus i passed a bumper sticker that said:


and i thought, oh snap. what if trees are the answer?!?! it makes perfect sense.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


wise old owl says hello

i found this sweet pillow on etsy but can't remember which shop.

oh man

today i have come to a sad realization. my favorite necklace is lost :( now, i know i have a lot of favorites but this one was my favorite FOR REAL. i got it in belize with a matching bracelet made from the same shell and i wore it approximately 3 times a week. which, for me, is a lot of times per week. but now it is gone until i find it again. pretty please? in similar news, my roommate has also lost his ipod which really is the worstest. not only is it finals week but now we have to live without our treasures. ooooooooh gee.

Monday, April 27, 2009

so forgetful

i'm a mess today.

give me that rememberal, neville!

falling into a black hole

i saw this video on CNN and felt like, who could resist a 40 second video that simulates what you would see if you fell into a black hole?!? not me, that's for sure. i love science!

thank you Andrew Hamilton and Gavin Polhemus

Sunday, April 26, 2009


is 2 loaves of dark chocolate peanut butter banana bread baking in the oven this minute! i found this recipe online when we had two rotten bananas and i was dreaming of delicious combinations. we made it a couple months ago and it really does take a day or two to get extra good, the hard part is leaving it alone. aside from that the recipe is perfect. just use as many rotten bananas as you have. sometimes i use 2 and sometimes 4 but it always work out for the best and couldn't be any better.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

waffle-icious weekend

my plans for the weekend, if not the entire summer:

Friday, April 24, 2009

adult pants

so sometimes i think about being an adult and what exactly i need to do in that process cause i'm 27. and i'm not a great adult quiiiiiiiite yet. these things take time. one of the things i realized last night was what makes an adult is that when they are in bed and they remember something that needs to be taken care of, they get out of snuggly bed. it kind of sucks. two nights ago i was in bed and i realized i left my cheese and corn bread out uncovered. gak, i had to get up or else both things would be bad and i'm not made of money. then last night my phone was almost (but not quite) out of batteries but the charger was in another room. yet again, i abandoned my warm nest to get the charger so i could charge my phone during the night instead of waiting for it to die. usually i say to myself, dude - just leave it until tomorrow. but i'm trying my adult pants on for size these least some of the time.

here are some lovely beds for you to imagine sleeping in:

um, yes please.

what if...

i had my coffee in this cup

good morning mr. cumulus!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


when you are a nurse you think about things that maybe other people don't think about as much. like sterile needles, which are tools to put treasures in your veins when you are sick. one of my favorite parts of nursing is trying to explain things to patients in a really simple way so everyone understands and isn't confused since i'm not a great explainer. so yesterday i had an 11 year old with a painful cyst on his eye who needed to know what a cyst was STAT. when you have asperger's it is a very different life i think so sometimes you need to know things right away. i explained that a cyst is like a pimple but deeper in your eyelid. technically, this is not very true but i felt like the essence was the same. unfortunately, my patient started to cry because he did NOT NEED TO KNOW that he had a pimple since pimples were deeply upsetting at that moment for him. oops. then i had a three year old who came in with her siblings and asked why all the babies were crying. unthinkingly i replied, probably because they are getting a shot. at this point her mother looked at me and said, "i'm not sure you should be going into pediatrics."

i'll keep that in mind.

public notice

here are some things i've been meaning to share with the world

wicked bathroom that i only wish i had:

delicious berries/ideal fabric swatch:

epic necklace (mind the nips):