Wednesday, December 16, 2009

oh empo

i got in to blacksburg last night for the holidays! it is AMAZING to be home. mom has already decorated everything. there is a beautiful tree. its gorgeous outside and so much sunlight comes into the house. i'm sitting on a gorgeous, comfortable couch watching a big screen tv and there is a carpet on the floor. i get to hang out with mom all the time. life is good. wanting to share this goodness with jim/sara/mom's cat i decided to get him geared up to sit outside with me to enjoy the sunlight. he seemed excited to go outside - when i brought the little vest thing and lease over he started making lots of noise and rubbing against my leg! we went outside and he laid down in the dirt right away. we chilled out but i noticed he was breathing fast - maybe just excited? then he sat outside the door so i opened it to see if he wanted to go inside (so lame). he hovered at the door jam smelling everything. i wanted to tell him: be an explorer and stay outside. i know it's scary and different but it's SO GREAT out here. it will be ok. and i thought, how many times in life do i turn away from adventure because it's scary or different or hard without even knowing i am standing in a door jam too? empo chose to go inside after a minute or two. unfortunately i had perched the leash on the outdoor grill, which fell and scared him. but since it's attached to him it "chased" him inside and he started running and freaked out. then it got stuck under the couch so he got stuck near the christmas tree and by the time i got in his eyes were so big looking at me. sorry empo! now he is hiding from me downstairs. and i'm about to watch a movie and wrap christmas presents!

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