Thursday, July 30, 2009

cinnamon tea

i'm spending time with a border collie today. did you know? it happens that scout is:

anecdotally considered to be among the most intelligent breed of dog in the world when measuring herding ability.[1][2] These highly energetic dogs are often considered the world's best sheep herding dogs

world's best twice in one sentence! no wonder she's so great. currently i'm being herded outside to play fetch.

Monday, July 27, 2009

glorious excess

on friday i turned 28! to celebrate we had a house party which included made-from-scratch pizza crust and sauce. so so so delicious and sweet of my lovely friends. i took pictures but at this moment am unable to locate my camera.

on saturday one of my best friends turned 24! this was unfortunately because on her cake i had written "you've arrived at 25" since rhyming is fun. whoops. to celebrate she had a cook-out at her house. yippee.

on sunday, to recover from the weekend of parties, my roommates and i cleaned the house from head to toe. in order to make this dreadful activity fun we made it a house cleaning party with equal parts cleaning and partying.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


this picture happened in our real life. love you cousin.

Monday, July 13, 2009

learning about each other

so i'm totally loving one of the practices where i'm working. this is largely due to the two medical assistants i chill with all day when my doctor needs "to get his head on straight" and wants to be alone. they are gorgeous, silly, smart, and laid-back. anyone who meets them wants to be their best friend, and they have a lot of best friends. needless to say, i don't really know all that much about them. like today when i learned one of them had been treated at MCV for a stab wound. who even gets stabbed these days?!? this came up in casual conversation as they were brushing and french braiding my hair since they decided it didn't look right. i believe the exact expression used was, "why you always look so plain, girl?" fast forward a few minutes, discussion of stab wounds. fast forward a few minutes, i'm seeing patients.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

my life june 27-july 6th


selfish creature that i am, i totally forgot to say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA. I LOVE YOU. now we all know there are reasons to be a little frigid towards america but i want to take today, july 9th, 5 days post-birthday, to state some reasons i think america is great.

1. waffle house
2. bill of rights
3. gorgeous earth upon which america sits
4. democracy
5. if i get scared and call the police, i am not scared the police are the bad people
5.5. at least 99% of the time
6. reason for pretty dresses

thanks forefathers.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

case of the missing cousin

now that some of the family is together a lot of time is spent discussing/thinking/loving other family members. what jim/sara/elliot/natalie/me all seem to keep returning to is this:

where's alissa?

the circle is incomplete.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


currently i'm in CA, chilling with the coolest family around. namely: mine. i went to the beach for some QT with one of my favorite cousins and we sat and watched the waves. then, my cousin calmly says, "weird, there is a seal." i immediately started emitting a high pitched sound of excitement while hitting his leg repeatedly, all the while keeping my eyes on the seal! this was my first seal sighting in the wild.

it was pretty magical. what made it even better was that i saw my first sea turtle in the wild with that same cousin 2.5 years ago. i'm looking forward to a long life of first time sea animal sightings with elliott. family 4ever.