Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a series of fortunate events

i worked late yesterday then went to my friend's house where no dogs are allowed so scout had been alone roughly 24 hours. i insist we go back to my house, where we are hungry and need to get food but i refuse to abandon the dog. instead of going to the delicious restaurant at the end of the block we decide to get take-out chinese and then just eat it back at my place with the dog. so we all take a walk down to order it. wonder of wonders, the chinese place has no problems with dogs inside so we take scout into the 'restaurant' and proceed to eat an incredible dinner while she behaves.

moral of the story: support local businesses.

waking up one morning i happen upon gchat and start talking with one of my best friends from high school. we decide to spontaneously have me pick him up and take him back to richmond to play all day. we bike to a park and pet animals and bike home. we eat thai food with my friends. we get homemade icecream. we play rockband. adventures commence.

in a land of private only and super sketchy public pools, a friend and i discovered an apartment building far outside the city that does not lock their pool. ahhhhhhhhh. this means many more glorious pool outings this summer.

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